Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts

Saturday 20 December 2014

In a Far off summer

These are the fields, bushes and trees
where a boy cried heartbroken
in a far off summer,

when the bull
swiped his darling filly
with its horns
while she was drinking
at the trough

and that horse fell twitching
on her back
with her guts ripped out
and she had to be shot
and his older brother
brought the.303 rifle
with only one bullet

and was determined
to take the shot,
but the filly moved her head
and the bullet when up her nose

and there was blood everywhere
while she neighed in pain
and he ran as fast as he could
while weeping
to get some more bullets

and without a word
took the rifle from his older brother
put a bullet in the slot and cocked it
brought the firearm to his shoulder
and took a deep breath
before squeezing the trigger.

His favourite horse was slain
and the pain was great
and almost unbearable for him
and his brother tried to comfort
but there wasnt anything
that he could do or say
to take that pain away.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Silver (A Poem)

There are clouds that hang
silver-grey in the air,
before the winter sun
gives its first rays
of a drawling day.

Silver-grey the Monday starts
and while the days hours
pass much to slowly,
I am summoned to the old chief
with his silver-grey hair.

One of the women clerks
who wants to be boss,
wants to push a silver knife
into a colleges back.

I leave them alone to count their silver pounds
and wash my hands in the bathroom,
with a silver ray of water that squirts out of the tap.

Gert Strydom

Silent Whispers

The look in your eyes
are tranquil like the bluest skies

yet there is something chilling
running up and down my spine,
while I yearn to make you mine,
as if so intense this feelings is killing

any resistance that I have against you,
against this attraction being true.

The fire of the smile on your lips
the sublime movement of your hips
come with silent whispers
while away all my resistance slips

and I need you to kiss or chill me,
with scorn or the loveliest tranquility,

into my innermost core I want you to enter in,
I want to meet you with something deeper than just skin
take you somewhere that we have not gone before
but only if you truly love me, our companionship will begin.

7 Lovely Logics

1. Make peace with your past
so it dosen't spoil your present.

2. What others Think of you is
     None of your Business

3. Time Heals Almost Everything
     Give the Time,Some Time.

4. No one is the Reason of your Happiness
    Except you yourself.

5. Don't compare your Life with others,
You have No idea what their journey is all about.

6. Stop Thinking too much,
Its Alright not to know all the Answers.

7. Smile, you don't own
all the Problems in the World

Monday 8 December 2014

A Cape Town Winter Day

The day is icy, grey,
drawn closed, as heavy as lead and wet,
with a southeaster that grabs
that searches for somewhere to hold on to

with bricks, oak trees, razor sharp glass
that is jerked loose in its grip,
with paper bags that are ascending in line
to come down somewhere else in the ocean,

where seagulls continually angrily screech,
are searching for an own escape and continually do curse.

A Brown Rock-Pigeon, Flutters Just Past The Porch

A brown rock-pigeon, flutters just past the porch
picks up some small insects from the mown lawn
from where it continually calls its mate,
at a distance sparrows splash in water.

An auburn colour flames in the sun
stretching right over some gleaming feathers
while he keeps on catching tiny insects,
before his cooing attracts some more doves.

Yellow weavers chatter in the branches,
they fly whistling from one branch to another,
they are charming pied coloured females
that are basking under the hot bright sun.

the sun stretches shadows all over me,
in the distance theres thunder roaring.