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Showing posts with label Free Download. Show all posts

Saturday 20 December 2014

20th century

Farms are burned down to the ground
and cattle slaughter just there in the fields,
while a super power forces women and children
into concentration camps to kill them there.

Railway tracks run crisscross over the country
and galloping horses and oxen pulling wagons
are replaced by roaring cars, lorries
and motorbikes
and people follow technology
as if its the new god.

When the stock exchange folds
people jump from the windows of buildings,
while they are out of their wits,
as if they have got wings.

Germans march past
and thousands in crowds
are giving a sigh heil salute

and in a peculiar way stay ignorant
about millions of Jews that are robbed
and killed,
as if they did not exist.

Bombers let bombs dropp like rain
on Britain and rockets
hit London almost unstoppable

and in the icy Russian winter
the Germans are reminded that they are humans
and from Stalingrad they are driven back

until the Russians claim some of Berlin
and half of Germany
as their domain
and almost every women there gets raped

and America drops the bomb on Hiroshima
and another time on Nagasaki
and their enemies are molten, burned and radiated

and after this war jets cross the skies,
rockets go to the moon
where man stands like a god.

Its the age were young boys
are shot into peaces in Vietnam, in Namibia
and Angola are sent to war,
where people loose respect for God
and try to solve everything with science,
where man becomes godly in his own eyes

and I wonder what the almighty God
thinks about this
while man is turn the earth to ruins
and are filling the cup
of the wrath of God?

Friday 19 December 2014

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Lik a diamond in th sky.

Twinkle twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Thursday 11 December 2014

Silent Whispers

The look in your eyes
are tranquil like the bluest skies

yet there is something chilling
running up and down my spine,
while I yearn to make you mine,
as if so intense this feelings is killing

any resistance that I have against you,
against this attraction being true.

The fire of the smile on your lips
the sublime movement of your hips
come with silent whispers
while away all my resistance slips

and I need you to kiss or chill me,
with scorn or the loveliest tranquility,

into my innermost core I want you to enter in,
I want to meet you with something deeper than just skin
take you somewhere that we have not gone before
but only if you truly love me, our companionship will begin.